Wednesday, August 26, 2020
The Stupidest Angel Chapter 20 Free Essays
Part 20 Taking a blind leap of faith The blessed messenger had opened six envelopes of powdered hot cocoa blend and handpicked out all the minimarshmallows. â€Å"They trap them in these little detainment facilities with the earthy colored powder. You should free them to place them in the cup,†the heavenly attendant clarified, tearing open another bundle, emptying the substance into a bowl, getting the little marshmallows, and dropping them into his mug. We will compose a custom exposition test on The Stupidest Angel Chapter 20 or on the other hand any comparative subject just for you Request Now â€Å"Kill him while he’s checking the marshmallows,†said the Narrator. â€Å"He’s a freak. No holy messenger could be that moronic. Slaughter him, you insane bitch, he’s the enemy.†â€Å"Nuh-uh,†said Raziel, into his marshmallow froth. Molly took a gander at him over the edge of her mug. By the candlelight in the kitchen, he absolutely was a striking individual †those sharp highlights, the lineless face, the hair, and now the chocolate-marshmallow mustache. Also the discontinuous sparkling in obscurity, which had been useful when she was searching for certain matches to light the candles. â€Å"You can hear the voice in my head?†she inquired. â€Å"Yes. Also, in my head.†â€Å"I’m not religious,†Molly said. Under the table, she held the tashi with her free hand, its sharp edge resting over her exposed thighs. â€Å"Oh, me either,†said the holy messenger. â€Å"I mean, I’m not strict, so for what reason are you here?†â€Å"Lunatics. We’re pulled in to them. It has something to do with the mechanics of confidence. I don’t truly get it. Do you have any more?†He held up the unfilled cocoa envelope. His mug was flooding with dissolved marshmallow froth. â€Å"No, that’s the entire box. So you’re pulled in to me in light of the fact that I’m crazy and will accept anything?†â€Å"Yes, I suspect as much. Furthermore, on the grounds that nobody will trust you. So there’s no infringement of faith.†â€Å"Right.†â€Å"But you are alluring in different manners, too,†included the heavenly attendant rapidly, as though somebody had out of nowhere smacked him in the head with a sock loaded with relationship building abilities. â€Å"I like your blade and those.†â€Å"My breasts?†It wasn’t the first occasion when that somebody had said that kind of thing to her, yet it was the first occasion when it had originated from a dispatcher of God. â€Å"Yes. Zoe has those. She’s a lead celestial host like me. All things, dislike me. She has those.†â€Å"Uh-huh. So there are female blessed messengers as well?†â€Å"Oh yes. Not generally. Everybody was changed after you happened.†â€Å"Me?†â€Å"Man. Humankind. Ladies. You. Before we were every one of the one kind. In any case, at that point you occurred, and we were split and given parts. Some got those, others got different things. I don’t know why.†â€Å"So you have parts?†â€Å"Would you like to see?†â€Å"Wings?†Molly inquired. She really wouldn’t mind seeing his wings, on the off chance that he had them. â€Å"No, we as a whole have those. I mean my unique parts. Might you want to see?†He stood and came to down the front of his jeans. It wasn’t the first run through she’d had an offer that way, however it was the first occasion when it had originated from a delivery person of God. â€Å"No, that’s okay.†She snatched his lower arm and guided him again into his seat. â€Å"Okay, at that point. I ought to go. I need to keep an eye on the supernatural occurrence and afterward go home.†â€Å"The miracle?†â€Å"A Christmas wonder That’s why I’m here. Gracious look, you have a scar on one of themâ » â€Å"He has the capacity to focus of a hummingbird,†the Narrator murmured â€Å"Put him out of his wretchedness â€Å" The blessed messenger was highlighting the barbed five-inch scar above Molly’s left bosom, the one she’d gotten when a trick turned out badly while recording Mechanized Death Warrior Babe VII. The injury that had gotten her terminated, the scar that had finished her profession as a B-film activity courageous woman. â€Å"Does it hurt?†asked the heavenly attendant â€Å"Not anymore,†Molly said â€Å"Can I touch?†It wasn’t the first occasion when that somebody had asked, yet †well, you know. â€Å"Okay,†she said. His fingers were long and fine, his fingernails excessively long for a person, she thought, yet his touch was warm and emanated from her bosom through her entire body At the point when he pulled his hand away, he stated, â€Å"Better?†She contacted where he had contacted It was smooth. Totally smooth. The scar was no more. The blessed messenger obscured in her vision as tears gushed in her eyes. â€Å"You complete poo sack of nostalgic saccharine,†said the Narrator â€Å"Thank you,†Molly stated, with a trace of a sneeze â€Å"I didn’t realize you could † » â€Å"I’m great with weather,†said the heavenly attendant. â€Å"Idiot!†the Narrator said â€Å"I need to go now,†said Raziel, ascending from his seat â€Å"I need to go to the congregation to check whether the wonder has workedâ » Molly drove him through the lounge to the front entryway. She kept the door open for him. All things being equal, the breeze whipped his jacket around him and she could see the white tips of his wings underneath. She grinned, giggling and crying simultaneously. â€Å"Bye,†the blessed messenger said. He left into the forested areas. As Molly shut the entryway, something dim flew through it. The candles in the front room had extinguished, so everything she could see was a shadow flying through the house, vanishing into the kitchen. She got the entryway shut and trod into the kitchen, holding her blade at a low prepared. By the candlelight in the kitchen, she could see the shadow over the kitchen window, two eyes sparkling orange back there in obscurity. She got a flame from the table and advanced toward the window until the shadow cast shadows of its own. It was a creature, swinging from the screen over the sink, seeming as though a dark towel with a little doggy face. It didn’t appear to be perilous, simply, well, somewhat ridiculous. â€Å"Well, this is it I am getting back on my medications tomorrow, on the off chance that I need to get the cash from Lenaâ » â€Å"Not so fast,†said the Narrator. â€Å"It’ll be so forlorn in here when I’m gone. Furthermore, you’ll have returned to wearing your typical garments. Pants and sweaters, you can’t need that.†Disregarding the Narrator, Molly moved toward the animal on the screens until she was just two feet away and gazing directly at its. â€Å"Angels are a certain something, yet I don’t even realize what in the damnation you are, little guy.†â€Å"Fruit bat,†said Roberto. â€Å"He may be a Spaniard,†said the Narrator. â€Å"Did you hear the accent?†â€Å"I’m going out there,†Theo Crowe stated, finding a hold on the Christmas tree. â€Å"He still has one bullet,†said Tucker Case. â€Å"They are going to burn the spot. I’ve got the opportunity to get out there.†â€Å"To do what? You going to take their matches away?†Lena took Theo by the arm. â€Å"Theo, they’ll never kick a shoot in this downpour and wind. Don’t go out there. Ben didn’t make it two steps.†â€Å"If I can get to a SUV, I can begin running once again people,†Theo said. â€Å"Val gave me the keys to her Range Rover.†â€Å"Well, that’s not going to work,†said Tuck. â€Å"There’s a lot of them. You may get a portion of the weak ones, however the rest will simply run into the forested areas where you can’t get to them.†â€Å"Fine. Proposals? This spot will consume like kindling, precipitation or no downpour. In the event that I don’t accomplish something we’re going to get roasted.†Lena took a gander at Tuck. â€Å"Maybe Theo’s right. On the off chance that he can drive them into the forested areas, perhaps all of us can scramble toward the parking area. They can’t get all of us.†â€Å"Fine,†Theo said. â€Å"Divide individuals up into gatherings of five and six. Give the most grounded individual from each gathering the way in to a SUV. Ensure everybody knows where they’re going once they get out the entryway. At the point when you hear the horn on the Range Rover play ‘Shave and a Haircut, it will mean I’ve done what I can do. Everybody rush toward it.†â€Å"Wow, you thought of that while stoned,†Tuck said. â€Å"I’m impressed.†â€Å"Just prepare everybody. I’m not going out on that rooftop until I’m sure nobody is hanging tight for me.†â€Å"What on the off chance that we hear a shot? Imagine a scenario in which they get you before you get to the car?†. Theo hauled a key out of his pocket and gave it to Tuck. â€Å"Then it would be your turn, wouldn’t it? Val had her extra vehicle key with her, too.†â€Å"Wait a moment. I’m not running out there. You have a reason, you’re stoned, you’re a cop, your better half tossed you out, and your life is in pieces. Things are going useful for me.†â€Å"When Constable Crowe leaves, at that point would we be able to remove his head?†asked Joshua Barker. â€Å"Okay, perhaps not,†said Tuck. â€Å"I’m going,†Theo said. â€Å"Get everybody prepared at the door.†The thin constable advanced up the Christmas tree. Fold watched him move out on the rooftop, at that point went to the others. â€Å"Okay, you all heard him. Let’s break into gatherings of five and six by the front entryways. Nacho, snatch the sledge, we’re must force the nails on the fortifications. Who’s driving a SUV?†Everybody except the youngsters lifted their hands. â€Å"It won’t sparkle, it’s wet,†said Marty in the Morning. He was attempting to cajole fire out of a doused dispensable lighter. The undead remained around him, taking a gander at the heap of fuel soaked garbage they’d heaped against the side of the house of prayer. â€Å"I lov
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Fiedler’s Contingency Theory Essay
The possibility Theory shows the connection between the leader’s direction or style and gathering execution under varying situational conditions. The hypothesis depends on deciding the direction of a pioneer ( relationship or assignment ), the components of the circumstance ( pioneer part relations, task structure and pioneer position power), and the pioneer direction that was seen as best as the circumstance changed from low to direct to high control. Fred Edward Fiedler in his milestone 1964 article, â€Å" A possibility of Leadership Effectiveness. examined and underscored the significance of both the leader’s character and the circumstance in which that pioneer works. Fiedler found that errand arranged pioneers were increasingly successful in low and moderate control circumstances and relationship arranged chiefs were progressively compelling in moderate control circumstances. Fiedler and his partners considered pioneers in an assortment of settings however for the most part in military setting and their model depends on their examination discoveries. They delineated two styles of administration to be specific undertaking roused and relationship-spurred. Assignment alludes to task achievement, and relationship-inspiration alludes to relational connections. He estimated authority style initiative style with the Least Preferred Co-Worker scale (LPC scale ). As per Northouse ( 2007 ), the pioneers scoring high on this scale are relationship inspired and those scoring low are task roused. Northhouse further showed that, fundamental to possibility hypothesis is the idea of the circumstance, which is portrayed by three variables. One, pioneer part relations which manages the general climate of the gathering and the emotions, for example, trust, devotion and certainty that the gathering has for its pioneer. Two, task structure, which is identified with task lucidity and the way to task achievement. Three, the position power, which identifies with the measure of remuneration discipline authority the pioneer has over individuals from the gathering. These three variables decide the idealness of different circumstances in the association. Meanings of variables in Contingency Theory Situational components One, is the pioneer part relations. The respect with which the pioneer and the gathering individuals hold each other decides to some extent, the capacity of the pioneer to impact the gathering and the conditions under which the person can do as such. It along these lines follows that a pioneer who is acknowledged by the gathering individuals is in a more good circumstance than one who isn't. Two, is the assignment structure which is dictated by the accompanying inquiries as a main priority; can a choice be shown as right? , are the necessities of the assignment of the errand comprehended by everybody? , is there more than one right arrangement?. In the event that the group’s task isn't organized, and if the pioneer is not any more proficient than the gathering about how to achieve the assignment, the circumstance certainly gets horrible. The third factor is the pioneer position power. This is dictated by the prizes and disciplines which the pioneer formally has available to them for either fulfilling or rebuffing the gathering individuals dependent on how they perform. The more force the pioneer has, the more ideal the circumstance. Pioneer Orientation Fiedler utilized the Least Preferred Co-laborer scale usually known as LPC scale to quantify initiative style. LPC assists the board with recognizing the human relations direction and errand direction of potential pioneers. He examinations pioneer direction as follows. One of the variables is relationship direction in which he said that high LPC pioneers are increasingly worried about close to home relations, progressively touchy to the sentiments of others, and better of taking off clash. Such pioneers utilize their great relations with others to complete an occupation. This likewise empowers them to manage complex issues when deciding. These pioneers will in general have a LPC score of 73 or more. In high control circumstances, these pioneers will in general become exhausted and are did not challenge anymore. They will in general look for endorsement from their bosses disregarding their subordinates or they may choose to revamp he task. They regularly become rude toward their subordinates therefore, become all the more rebuffing and increasingly worried about execution of the assignment. In moderate control circumstances, they center around bunch relations. They lessen the uneasiness and pressure of gathering individuals and along these lines diminish strife. They handle imaginative dynamic gatherings well. They consider this to be as trying and intriguing and perform it well in it. Finally, in low control circumstances, they generally attempt to acquire bunch support regularly to the detriment of the assignment. Actually under very upsetting circumstances, they may likewise pull back from influential position, neglecting to coordinate the group’s work. The subsequent factor is task arranged. As per Fiedler, the LPC score for pioneers here is 64 and underneath. Low LPC pioneers are progressively worried about the errand, and less subject to amass support. They will in general be energetic and fretful to continue ahead with work. They rapidly sort out the activity and have a simple demeanor about completing the work. In moderate control circumstances, they are on edge and less successful. They become consumed in the assignment and give little consideration to individual relations in the gathering. They will in general be heartless toward the sentiments of their gathering individuals, and the gathering detests the absence of concern. Nonetheless, in high control circumstances, these pioneers are loose and create wonderful relations with subordinates and they are anything but difficult to coexist with. As work completes, they don't meddle with the gathering or anticipate impedance from their bosses. What's more, finally in low control circumstances, the pioneers give themselves to their difficult errand. They sort out and drive the gathering to task fruition. They likewise will in general control the gathering firmly and keep up severe order. Fiedler and partners reasoned that in the event that a leader’s LPC scores fall somewhere in the range of 65 and 72, at that point the pioneer should cautiously break down their authority style as they become familiar with the relationship arranged and task situated styles. Nonetheless, it is essential to take note of that there is no single initiative style that is successful in all circumstances. Or maybe, certain administration styles are more qualified for certain circumstances than for other people. Fiedler further called attention to that the adequacy of the pioneer is dependent upon the direction of the pioneer and the positivity of the circumstance.
Sunday, August 16, 2020
24 Hours of Free College Essay Reviews on Black Friday!
24 Hours of Free College Essay Reviews on Black Friday! Black Friday Free Essay Help Starts Now! Black Friday Free Essay Help Starts Now! BEST. BLACK FRIDAY. EVER. Just in time to help you make the most of Thanksgiving break, we are offering FREE COLLEGE ESSAY HELP ALL DAY to all college and grad school applicants in need of a little essay inspiration and admissions-related insight. For 24 hours, we are offering our expert help in the form of: FREE 15-minute consultations for the first 100 people to email us a draft* FREE answers to your burning questions from our expert advisors via Twitter, Facebook, and Tumblr starting at 9am EST So hit us with your most perplexing essay writing questions and sling those college essay myths for us to bust. We’re be ready to dispense our expert advice and lead you down the path to essay success just in time for you to click “submit.†*See Facebook or Eventbrite page for official rules. Follow the official event on Facebook or Eventbrite for more info! About Thea HogarthView all posts by Thea Hogarth »
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Reasons For Emergence Of Terrorism Free Essay Example, 1000 words
At all levels of government, every security and emergency agency seems to be engrossed in their affairs. None of them seems to have the time to establish what the other is doing(Preston, Avery, Chakrabarty, Edmonds, 2011). This lack of coordination makes it possible for terrorists to ambush, attack and disappear, leaving these agencies to point fingers at one another. As far as terrorism emergency response is concerned, the City of Metropolis will take a proactive, not reactive, approach. To this end, the Emergency Response Unit will establish two lines of communication, one exclusively devoted to emergency communications with the FEMA and the state emergency department each. This move, it is believed, will enhance coordination among the three players. Effective communication with the public in the event of a terrorist emergency is critical to reducing the number of casualties(Sloan, 2010). Consequently, the City will establish the Office of Terrorism Prevention under the City s Em ergency Response Unit. The main function of the office will be to inform the dwellers of Metropolis of any impending terrorist risk. This function will necessitate the office working very closely with city, state and federal security agencies. We will write a custom essay sample on Reasons For Emergence Of Terrorism or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now The office will also educate residents of the City on how to detect and report any suspected terrorist activities and how to stay safe in the event of a terrorist attack. This latter function will be an ongoing one. Many terrorist attacks result in casualties(Simon, 2008). In addition, other people sustain serious injuries while families are scattered. Where a family loses a breadwinner, the effects can be devastating and far-reaching. Until now, the city has not had a structured way of identifying and supporting victims of terrorist acts. In recognition of these facts, the City of Metropolis will establish the Victim Support Office whose main mandate will be to positively identify the victims of terrorist acts and support them accordingly.
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Jane Eyre As Reflected Through Relationships - 1924 Words
19th Century Feminism in Jane Eyre as Reflected Through Relationships â€Å"I am not bird and no net ensnares me; I am a human being with an independent will...†(Bronte 238). These words from Jane Eyre’s character in the novel Jane Eyre described the desire for Jane to make her own destiny instead of depending on men for what to do. The novel, Jane Eyre, was published in an era before woman had been given rights, so when Charlotte and her sisters, Emily and Anne began writing novels under their pseudonyms Currer, Ellis, and Acton Bell which acted as the male identities needed to succeed in writing during the time their novels were published. Bronte’s best known novel, Jane Eyre, was published during the 19th century and is considered a revolutionary novel its time. One of the major themes of Jane Eyre is the feminist idea of women possessing equal right to males. Equality of men and women made Jane Eyre immensely controversial when it was published; the book received much backlash from men, but the majority women took to this idea . In the 19th century, when the novel was published, feminism was becoming a major movement due to the changes which came from the Industrial Revolution; this shifted the social view of women from the previous belief that women should only stay at home to tend to the home and children to the beginning of feminism . Jane, the protagonist of the novel, conveys the rising middle class woman of the era, as more women were becoming literate and conforming toShow MoreRelatedExplore How Bronte Has Created an Anti-Christian Theme in Jane Eyre1677 Words  | 7 PagesSupernaturality, love, as well as hypocrisy as a sub unit of religion,are dominant themes combined in the retrospective novel Jane Eyre. The novel depicts characters, such as Mr Brocklehurst and St.John Rivers that are challenges to the ideal christian way and faith throughout the novel. The eccentric romantic gothic genre and the surrounding supernatural presence lurks around crowds of chapters. The contrastive saint Helen Burns used as a reverence to the good aspect and purity of christianityRead MoreEssay on A Womans World in Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontà «1145 Words  | 5 Pagessiblings, was a feminist author who lived and wrote during the beginning of the nineteenth century. It was a time when England was going through a slow but significant change, mainly surrounding the Industrial Revolution, but still preceding the days of any major feminist movements. Brontà « was angered that she had to write under a fake male name in order to have Jane Eyre published and read. Nevertheless, she was still completely focused on addressing issues concerning women, education, and marriage. CombiningRead MoreJane Eyre, by Charlotte Brontà «1740 Words  | 7 PagesThe Victorian Era encompassed a time of great discrepancy between the sexes, especially for women. The po larization of gender roles reflected on a basis of gender sexuality where men and women were granted certain advantages and disadvantages. Women were expected to realize a specific position in society based on morals of submission, passivity, and a complete lack of selfishness and independence. Constrictive notions such as these prevent individual expression and expansion. Therefore, while strugglingRead MoreTheme Of Feminism In Jane Eyre1733 Words  | 7 PagesGriesinger perceives that Charlotte Brontà «Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s focus on both women and religion to be so prominent in Jane Eyre that she coined the term â€Å"biblical feminism†to simultaneously refer to these two themes. Brontà « wrote the novel in a time where radical feminist Protestantism was increasingly explored, and Griesinger’s overarching view is that Brontà « intended to illustrate that women of faith, like Jane, â€Å"are not disempowered but find strength to obey God even if it means going against soc ial and literaryRead MoreJane Eyre Essay3572 Words  | 15 PagesGleaden Word Count: 3238 Compare and contrast the ways in which Bronte and Rhys construct the adult selves of Jane and Antoinette and consider how this shapes their relationship with Rochester. Jane Eyre and Wide Sargasso Sea present the childhoods and later lives of two women, who similarly marry the complex character, Mr. Rochester. Both begin their lives as outsiders, Jane because of economic differences to the rest of her family and Antoinette because of racial distinctions to the restRead More Charlotte Brontes Jane Eyre Essay1689 Words  | 7 PagesCharlotte Brontes Jane Eyre Jane Eyre was written in the mid-nineteenth century and is set during the Victorian period, at a time where a womens role in society was restrictive and repressive and class differences were distinct. A job as a governess was one of the only few respectable positions available to the educated but impoverished single women. Schools of the 19th century were strict, and they demanded much hard work and participation from the students, however, just the sameRead MoreSimilarities Between Charlotte Brontes Life and Jane Eyres Life6996 Words  | 28 PagesABSTRACT This study mainly concerns with the similarities between Jane Eyre and Charlotte Bronte’s life. The aim is to find out how Charlotte Bronte’s life and experiences affect Jane Eyre. 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After analyzing the collectedRead MoreJane Eyre Analysis1607 Words  | 7 Pages In Charlotte Brontà «Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s Jane Eyre, the author sets the story in the context of a patriarchal society in the Victorian era. Through the story however, the main character Jane builds relationships with other female characters that allows readers to understand the multifaceted idea of the â€Å"ideal woman†within the a patriarchy. With the relationships Jane has to the characters including Helen Burns, Miss Temple and Bl anche Ingram, Brontà « gives her criticisms of the restrictions that these expected genderRead MoreSocial Class - Jane Eyre/Pride and Prejudice1761 Words  | 8 PagesExamine the use of the theme of social class in ‘Jane Eyre’ and how this is illuminated by your reading of ‘Pride and Prejudice’ by Jane Austen. The novel ‘Jane Eyre’ highlights the idea of social class and the position of women in society. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Children and Childhood in Somalia Free Essays
Describe ‘some’ significant aspects of your own childhood and show how these differ from the experiences of children growing up in other times and cultures. Within this essay, I aim to discuss aspects of my childhood of which I deem significant, and further compare these experiences, showing not only how they differ, but also the similarities, between childhood during the Victorian era in Britain, and a different culture, specifically the African country of Somalia. The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNRC) states that all children, 17 and under, live a safe, happy and fulfilled childhood (Clark; 2010). We will write a custom essay sample on Children and Childhood in Somalia or any similar topic only for you Order Now Growing up in 1990’s and 2000’s Britain, the children of my era were fortunate enough to be under such protection. Somalia has no such government in charge since the 1990’s, therefore is one of only two countries to have not signed this worldwide treaty, with the USA being the other, and I expect to find that my childhood varies vastly from those in Somalia, and also the children of the Victorian era who did not have such education guidelines as recent times do. Growing up, luxuries were handed to me constantly. Whether it was education, holidays, food or toys, I gratefully accepted them and didn’t think twice. Education is free and compulsory to every child in England from the age of five until the age of seventeen. We also have the Early Years Foundation (EYFS), a series of structural learning, development and care for all children from birth to the age of five. All schools or registered early years providers in the private, voluntary and independent sectors must follow the EYFS (http://www. direct. gov. uk). The EYFS ensures several things; parents being kept up to date with their childs progress, the welfare and wellbeing of all children regardless off gender, ethnicity, disabilities etc. and the early years practicioners work with the parents very closely. The latter is interesting; in England, we have the luxury of parents being able to come to playschools and similar institutions to be with the children. This would be impossible in Somalia for many children. UNICEF research (2008, http://www. unicef. org) has indicated that around 1 in 14 women die due to pregnancy or pregnancy compl ications, leaving many children without a mother. Compare this to England and the maternal mortality rate (MMR) was approximately 11 in 100,000 between 2006 and 2008 (http://www. atient. co. uk). When children in Somalia get older, not all of them attend primary or secondary schools. The enrolment rate in Somalia for primary education is a mere 23% (UNICEF Somalia Statistics). During the Victorian era, things were extremely different to present day. Families had to pay for their children to go to schools, and with children working in factories and mines, or as chimneysweeps, many never attended school. A young school student growing up in the nineties would not have to work unlike those in the Victorian era. A personal experience of working for myself is that of a paper round at the age of 13. This was merely more money on top of pocket money, and supplied plenty of expenditure for that age. In the period preceding 1833, before the Factory Act took place, children of 13 and under would be working extremely long hours with little breaks. Only children from rich and middle class families attended school, and it wasn’t until 1870, when the Elementary Education Act was introduced, that things began to take a turn towards how children today experience schol. This act saw the beginning of a stream of education bills aimed to help children get access to education. In 1880, school was mandatory for all children up until the age of 10, and in 1889 this limit was raised to 12. Families still had to pay for schooling at this point, until 1891 when the fee was abolished. Thankfully, this was the start of how all children would be provided with free education, a luxury that not all those in Somalia have. How to cite Children and Childhood in Somalia, Papers
Monday, May 4, 2020
Biographical Essay free essay sample
Architects are skilled in he arts and sciences of building designs and develop and turn concepts for structures into reality. Throughout history there have been many fields and artists that change the way the world perceives masterpieces. Architecture is one such field where great minds create marvels and change perspectives. Many architects are responsible for having emotional impacts on peoples lives and can change the way towns, cities, and countries are seen. Two architects that have greatly influenced American history are Richard Morris Hunt and Frank Lloyd Wright.These two architects changed the definition of architecture and the way the world is perceived. Richard Morris Hunt was Americas leading architect in the late 19th century, also known as the Gilded Age. Hunt was known for designing many lavish and notable buildings by combining historical architectural elements with modern technology. Considered the dean of American architecture, Hunt played an important role in shaping and professionalism the architectural practice and education in the United States (Rose). Hunts work and knowledge in architecture, established precedents for education that included formal, intellectual, technical, and professional principles (Rose). The first academic architectural training programs were established in America by a close group of people in Hunts circle and were instructed to lead by his example. Richard Hunt was born in Vermont on October 31, 1827. After moving to Europe with his mother, Hunt took an interest in architecture and became the first American architect to study at the number one architectural school in the world, Cole des Beaux-Arts in Paris. Here Hunt became a leader in his profession and in establishing the American Institute of Architects (Roth). Hunt returned to the United States in 1 855 and established a practice where e sought to bring European knowledge, modern and historical, back home to a land he barely knew, but saw promise (Rose). Hunts traveling and widespread knowledge strengthened his view of architecture. By the early 1 asss, Hunts success as an architect became known among the newly rich industrial magnates of New York (AFAIK, Movement and Woodenness).Americas aristocrats wanted houses that imitated the ancestral mansions of European nobility (AFAIK, Movement and Woodenness). Hunts most well-known architectural designs for one of Americas prestigious families, included his works for William Assam Vanderbilt. The Vanderbilt family and Hunt remained in close association throughout his career. Called The Breakers, this Fifth Avenue town house in Newport, Rhode Island, was Runes first work he designed for the Vanderbilt family.Coined Newborns grandest cottages, The Breakers is a symbol of the Vanderbilt familys social and financial preeminence in turn of the century America (The Preservation Society of Newport County). Hunts other most famous work he helped design for the Vanderbilt family is the grand Biltmore Estate, a statuesque country mansion in Asheville, North Carolina. Working closely with Frederick Law Limited, Hunt designed the main house, keeping with the French Renaissance style identified with the Vanderbilt family (Roth).The Biltmore Estate, built of steel and Indian limestone with the latest modern amenities, is the largest house Hunt ever designed, containing more than 250 rooms. It combines elements from French chateaux, including a grand stair and a front axial garden rising to a hilltop (Roth). The immense house accommodated both Hunts and Vanderbilt dre ams they had for the mansion. Other works include Hunts design of the base for the Statue of Liberty and he central portion of the Fifth Avenue facade of the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York.Hunts greatest impact on American architecture was his involvement with the 1893 Worlds Columbian Exposition in Chicago. A committee of Americas most important architects was formed to design the temporary buildings for the fair under Daniel H. Burnham. Hunts influence as the professions leading architect, lead him to direct the entire plan along Beaux-Arts lines (AFAIK, Movement and Woodenness). The many buildings were around a large Court of Honor and Hunts Administration Building stood at he head Of its lagoon.It was agreed upon by the committee that the materials used would reflect the Italian Renaissance, stucco painted white, and all the buildings would maintain a uniform sixty-foot-high cornice line (AFAIK, Movement and Woodenness). Coined The White City, the Worlds Columbian Exposition captivated Americans and started a movement that produced proposals for new civic cores in cities nationwide (AFAIK, Movement and Woodenness). Respected by many, Richard Morris Hunt greatly impacted America with his prestigious designs and knowledge of architecture.Another great American architect and often called the masters of modern architecture was Frank Lloyd Wright. During the United States second century, Wright engaged and endeavored to shape American democracys emergence and evolution in the modern world (Macerate). Wright sought to develop a respected architecture for the young and changing America in the twentieth century. Frank Lloyd Wright was born on June 8, 1867 in Richland Center, Wisconsin (Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation). As a child, Wright and his family moved around a lot, but eventually settled down back in Madison, Wisconsin. After his parents divorce, Wright worked for the dean of the University of Wisconsin department of engineering while also studying at the university. Wright was always intrigued with artistic and special studies and in 1887, he left Madison for Chicago, where he worked in the architectural office of Joseph Lyman Sessile. However, Wright aspired to work for Adler and Sullivan, an architectural firm that drew from nature for its ornament while creating simple, modern forms (AFAIK, Movement and Woodenness). In 1888, Wright accepted a five year contract as a draftsman for Adler and Sullivan.Wright designed and built his first home in Oak Park. Wright was unique in his design, experimenting with various geometric shapes and volumes. Oak Park was a modest residence reminiscent of the East Coast shingle style with its prominent roof gable (Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation). Wrights home soon became his studio for his own practice he established after he was fired from Adler and Sullivan for designing other houses outside of office time (AFAIK, Movement and Woodenness). Chicago was newly developing and its residents wanted value for their money and were willing to let Wright experiment with his designs.Early in his independent career, Wright experimented with different styles including, Colonial, Tudor, Georgian, Shingle Style, and Queen Ann (AFAIK, Movement and Woodenness). Wright later developed his own style, after the rolling land of the prairie. The Prairie Style homes Wright designed emphasized horizontal lines and sat close to the ground and seemed to be tied organically to the landscape surrounding it. Wrights first independent commission was the home of William H. Winslow in 1893. The structure is symmetrical and organized around a central replace dominated by horizontal lines.The home greatly exemplified Wrights Prairie Style, with its low-pitched roof, deep overhangs, and low placement of windows which personified the horizontal theme (AFAIK, Movement and Woodenness). Wright went on to design many other homes using the Prairie Style, his last being the Robbie House, built for Frederick Robbie in 1909. The design included a three-story structure that separated Robes work and living area. The low wall in front of the house shields the ground floor from the noisy street and allowed privacy for the family.Wrights cantilevered roof n the second level of the Robbie House was constructed of welded steel beams, which marked the first use of welded steel in residential construction (AFAIK, Movement and Woodenness). Wright designed everything for the Robbie house; furniture, fixtures, and he went as far as designing clothing for Mrs. . Robbie to wear while entertaining (AFAIK, Movement and Woodenness). The Robbie House is Wrights most celebrated house from the first phase of his career. Wrights career also included commercial buildings as well. Two of Wrights most notable works were the Larkin Building in New York and unity Temple in Oak Park.The Larkin Building was a vertical six-story building with a full- height sky lit atrium in the center, which introduced the natural environment into the workplace. This became one Wrights most widely published designs, especially in Europe, where it USA emulated by various designers (AFAIK, Movement and Woodenness). Sadly the Larkin Building was demolished in 1949 and turned into a parking lot. Unlike the Larkin Building, unity Temple still stands today and serves its original functions. Wrights first experiment with concrete and the first attempt anywhere to use it straightforwardly, was used n the exterior of unity Temple.Due to its location on a busy street, Wright turned the building inward to reduce the noise. The inside of the building richly glows of amber and gold as light shines through the skylights in the center of the main floor (AFAIK, Movement and Woodenness). Unity Temple is considered to be one of Wrights most important structures. Wrights reputation quickly spread worldwide and after working in Japan constructing the Imperial Hotel, Wright traveled back to America and was commissioned to design a vacation house in the mountains of Peephole, Pennsylvania for E. J. Kaufmann, Sir.Wrights Flamethrowers perhaps the most famous house that was not built for royalty anywhere in the world. The most notable feature of the site of Billingsgate is a rocky outcropping where a small stream falls over a series of ledges (AFAIK, Movement and Woodenness). Wright chose to plant the house beside the stream, letting the balconies hang over it. All of the elements, from the quarried stone to the glass floating between slate floors, minimize the distinction between interior and exterior. The stones of the pillars appear to grow straight up from the ground (AFAIK, Movement and Woodenness). Billingsgate quickly became famous and is now a National Historic Landmark. Still to this day, Wright remains by far the most widely recognized Modern architect in the world. Richard Morris Hunt and Frank Lloyd Wright are two very important, yet different architects that influenced American architecture. Each architect had different styles and constructed different building, but both greatly impacted Architecture in America throughout their careers. Hunt was known for his lavish and ornate European style structures, while Wrights designs contained more contemporary ideals of Transcendentalism.
Saturday, March 28, 2020
Dracula-sexual women Essay Example
Dracula-sexual women Essay Phyllis Roth believs dracular has remained so popular throughout the years as it involves a fantasy that is shared and understood by many, and this fantasy is strongly linked to the Oedipus complex. The fantasies of this novel change horror into pleasure. Draculas hostility to female sexuality would have been appealing to both the victorians and 20th century reader and Carrol Fry compares the vimpiressess to the fallen women of 18th and 19th century novels. The division between the dark and the fair women and the fallen and idealised is clear. Roth states ; quote Perhaps nowhere is the dichotomy of sensual and sexless women more dramatic than it is in Dracula and nowhere is the suddenly sexual woman more violently and self-righeously persecuted than in stokers thriller. Vampirism and sexuality are closely related, and Freud observes morbid dread always signifies repressed sexual wishes. Although the tone of morbid dread is evident throughout the novel, also is that of lustful anticipation; anticipation of killing dracular himself and anticipation of a sexual consummation. One instance of morbid dread mixed with sexual desire is when Harker meets Draculas 3 vamire women; We will write a custom essay sample on Dracula-sexual women specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Dracula-sexual women specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Dracula-sexual women specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer All three had brilliant white teeth that shone like pearls against the ruby of their voluptuous lips. There was something about them that made me uneasy, some longing and at the same time deadly fear. I felt in my heart a wicked , burning desire that they would kiss me with thoses red lips. Johnathon is described as being in an agony of delightful anticipation as the three discuss who should feast on him first and later in the novel, Van helsing experiences the same kind of seduction by these vamires. Another scene of uninhibited sexuality is that of Dracula forcing Mina to drink the blood from his breast. With his left hand he held both Mrs harkers hands keeping them away with her arms at full tension;his right hand gripped her by the back of the neck, forcing her face down on his bosom. Her white nightdress was smeard with blood, and a thin stream trickeled down the mans bare chest which was shown by his torn-open dress. The attitude of the two had a terrible resemblance to a child forcing a kittens nose into a sauser of milk to compel it to drink. The few sexual scenes in the novel are both heterosexual and incestuous. It is only scenes with vampires that are allowed to be sexualised. All the healthy or normal realationships are spiritualised. The way people are viewed changes after they become a vampire. For example it is only when Lucy has become a vampire that she is reffered to as voluptuous. Phyllis Roth comments; Clearly, then, vampirism is associated not only with death, immortality and orality; it is equivilent to sexuality. In psychoanalytic terms, vampirism conceals desired and feared fantasies, fantacies that point to the Oeipus complex. Dracular turns people into vampires, he plays the creator and therefore father figure. The brothers battle against the father who has stolen the desired woman , and mother figure from them. Rivalry between the men in the Van elsing group is also present yet it is covered up by constant use and often too much stress on their value of friendship. This is evident in the giving of blood from rivals Arthur, seward, quincy morris and helsing to lucy. The rivals friendship is futher strained when Helsing emphasises the sexual nature of these transfusions. Arthur feels asthough he is married to lucy due to the transfusion. So we can understand Roths statement the friendships of the novel mask a deep seated rivalry and hostility. And so, the Oedipul rivalry between the sons themselves aswell as against their father for their mothers affections becomes clear in dracula. In this novel the fantasy of paracide killing your parents is depicted as satisfying. Other fantasies are life after death, good over evil, man over super human forces and the west over the more mysterious east. These fantasies bring out the moral of the story, that, as Roth puts it, All is right with the world Dracula is killed, mina is purifed and the boys have won. Eveything is as it should be.Yet, the underlying oedipul theme brings out the darkness of the novel. Many of the same characteristics are shared by both the asexual Helsing group and sexual vimpires. As the Helsing group feel overwhelmingly attracted to the female vampires they utilize the defence of denial and project the blame onto the vampires of the females wanting to seduce and kill them rather than the other way round. Religion is often used to justify the actions of murder in the Helsing group, and Roth notes; The repeated use of the Host , the complicated ritual of the slaying of the vampires, and the ostensible,though not necessarily conscious, renunciation of sexuality are the prnance paid by thoses in Draula who violate the taboos against incest and the murder of parents.
Saturday, March 7, 2020
Animal Experimentation Essays - Animal Welfare, Animal Testing
Animal Experimentation Essays - Animal Welfare, Animal Testing Animal Experimentation Use medicines that were tested on animals, or die? With the discovery of new medicines physicians, based on their research,we can predict the possible outcome or effect the medicine may possibly have. However, success is not guaranteed. Experiments must be done, but on whom? There is only a limited amount of reliable testers that scientist may use to conduct their experiments. Two of the most reliable testers include humans and animals. For many centuries scientists have experimented on animals, and it is still being done in order to maintain a healthier human population (Dixon). New medicines are being discovered throughout the year, and billions of lives are also beings saved thanks to the development of medicines discovered. Animals have helped our society grow and prosper. If it were not for them, the sick would not regain their health. Although many people do not agree with experimentation on animals, we should continue to test on animals in order to find a cure for diseases. From a baby to an adult, animal testing is used in everyday products (to the Pampers babies wear, to the Johnson and Johnson babies are washed with). In fact, there are an estimated 30 million animals used in experiments for our everyday products (?Update: Animal Testing?). According to Issues According to Thomas Dixon, the ?reduction of human suffering is our first priority and the prevention of animal suffering or death is secondary to that (although still important)? . Although animal testing is a good investment to our future, many people think of it as cruel and unusual punishment and are determined to put a stop to it. People like Thomas Dixon argue animals ?have the rights to be treated as beings of value in themselves, not as the means to human ends?. While some despise the idea of testing on animals, others urge animal experimentation to continue if it is the means to greater ends to human suffering. According to Cosmetics International, ?Certain [industries] have announced that they have stopped all animal testing, while others claim to be doing very little? (French say no). Not only are national cosmetic industries putting a stop to animal testing, but many animal right groups are also. Protesters claim that animal testing is a vile way to advance knowledge (?Animal Testing?). They also say that ?humans should treat animals with respect? (Update: Animal Testing). Even though people strongly disagree that animals are needed to be tested for the benefit of mankind, it is unavoidable. Despite the fact that some industries have put a stop to it to test their products, many scientists will still co ntinue to test on animals if the results will create a healthier life for all humans in the near future. Even though protesters argue that animals are not the only available option for testing, scientists disagree. According to most scientists, there is not a wide variety of substitutions to animal testing (?Update: Animal Testing?). Until there is an alternative to a possible tester, animals are our only option. Many people agree that the use of animals is lamentable but inevitable. There is a vast majority of societies that still continue to eat and wear animal products, including milk, eggs, meat, leather shoes, and belts (?Animal Testing?). Many of these individuals may not consider giving up these everyday products even if it means saving animals? lives, so why should there be a stop to animal testing if there is a
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
Cooperative Learning Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Cooperative Learning - Research Paper Example ceptions towards school environment, engagement and academic performance was collected through face to face interviews and self-administered questionnaires. These data collection process took place in the comfort of the participant’s home where there was no pressure from school. The findings of the study indicated that the student’s perceptions of their school environment affected their school engagement (this was especially so for the seventh graders and it affected their eighth grade engagement in school) and also that perceptions towards different types of school engagement affected their academic performance directly and indirectly. If nothing is done to boost the morale of these students when it comes to school and especially by their teachers, then most adolescents will either leave school or end up as academic failures. Strategies to engage the students more in the classroom and school activities and ensure that their cognitive, emotional and behavioral dimensions concerning the school are addressed should be out in place. This way the adolescents will feel confident about their school engagement and this will lead to an improvement in their academic performance and change of perception of their school environment. The article findings and the implications it mentions are relevant for the education of most adolescents whose perceptions and attitudes towards the school are often mistaken as truant behavior and a reaction towards the adolescence period. The findings will ensure that closer attention is paid to the real reason for adolescents having perceptions about school and their academic performance. Wang, M. and Holcombe, R. (April, 2010). â€Å"Adolescents’ Perceptions of School Environment, Engagement, and Academic Achievement in Middle School.†American Educational Research Journal. Retrieved from:
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Globalisation and the International Business Environment Essay
Globalisation and the International Business Environment - Essay Example 64-65) as the opposite of localisation; it is the process of adapting products for use outside the home nation (think steering wheels in cars or Chinese versions of Windows). Firms must internationalise if they want to sell to markets outside their home country, because foreign markets have different cultures, needs and wants, demanding that firms make adjustments to products and services, organisational structures, leadership and people systems, and supply chains, amongst others. In a landmark paper on the topic, Whitley (1994) observed that the post-war internationalisation process of firms was primarily driven by increases in foreign direct investment by transnational (or multinational) enterprises. This led to increased interdependence of the industrialised economies and changes in the world economy with the following characteristics: (1) the establishment of a distinct global system of coordination and competition, (2) the denationalisation of leading firms, and (3) the international standardisation of managerial structures and practices. It can be said that the natural progression from internationalisation to interdependence and greater integration of the world economy resulted in the complex phenomenon that we now call "globalisation". Globalisation is a concept that is best described than defined because of its complexity. A simple definition, like "globalisation is the integration of the world economy, reshaping business, reordering lives, creating social classes, different jobs, unimaginable wealth, and wretched poverty" (Micklethwait and Wooldridge, 2000, p. xvi), would not do justice to the term because it focuses too much on the economic aspect. Globalisation is much more than just money, business, and wealth. As Stiglitz (2002, p. 9-10) described it, globalisation "integrates countries and peoples, their economies and politics, their cultures and fates. It breaks down artificial barriers to the flow of goods, services, capital, knowledge, ideas, and (to a lesser extent) peoples across borders. It creates new institutions that joined with existing ones to work across borders". There are then good and bad sides, so whilst many condemn environmental degradation, corruption of cultures, and the spread of squalor, poverty, misery, and greed, many also praise the improved access to cheaper medicines and food, better living conditions, gradual eradication of poverty, and increased opportunities for millions of people around the globe. Therefore, whilst many consider internationalisation and globalisation as synonymous terms, the former would refer to an outward process where firms adapt to and increase their presence in international markets, whilst the latter can be described simply as its natural integrating result. Globalisation is nothing new, but in its past incarnations, the inability of previous generations to manage its bad side has made it a factor that led to two of the bloodiest wars that mankind has ever experienced. Knowing this background reminds us of what the philosopher Santayana said about learning the lessons of history so that we would not be doomed to repeat it. Main Drivers of Globalisation Like success which has many fathers, globalisation (according to whoever is the author) has many drivers (Yip, 2003; Johnson et al., 2003; Stiglitz, 2002; Micklethwait et al., 2000; Porter, 1990) that we can summarily classify into five groups. These drivers are the key
Monday, January 27, 2020
Non Equillibrium Green’s Function Technique
Non Equillibrium Green’s Function Technique NON EQUILLIBRIUM GREEN’S FUNCTION TECHNIQUE USED FOR THE METAL-INSULATOR-METAL DIODES ANSHUMAN Electronics and Communication Dept. NIT Kurukshetra Abstract – In this paper theoretical analysis of NEGF method, including the transport equation and Poisson equation, is done followed by the derivation of an analytical model using NEGF tunnelling probability through any number of insulating layers. Numerical NEGF simulator are shown matching with the AF-TMM simulator results. INTRODUCTION THE STUDY OF tunnelling phenomena in Metal Insulator Metal (MIM) is an important topic for the aim of the development of rectennas for energy harvesting and infrared detectors applications. Although the interest in Metal-Insulator-Metal (MIM) diodes dates back to 1950s [1]–[4], but they attracted the attention again in the last few years due to its applications, energy harvesting [5]–[8] and infrared/terahertz detectors [9]–[11]. Earlier, various analytical expressions for the tunnelling transmission probability through MIM diodes were developed based on WKB approximation [2]–[4]. However, the WKB does not take into consideration the wave function reflections at the interface between different layers [14]. Therefore, there came the need for other models to simulate the tunnelling probability. Non Equilibrium Green Function (NEGF) [12] numerical method is one of the methods used to calculate the tunnelling transmission probability [15]–[18]. It is an accurate numerical method, but it needs long time of calculations on a PC in comparison to other analytical models. Any program used for the simulation of a device performs a solution of transport equation and â€Å"Poisson†equation [19].The transport equation gives the electron density, n(r) and the current, I for a known potential profile U(r), while Poisson equation gives the effective U(r), felt by an electron due to the presence of other electron in its vicinity. Here, in this paper the Quantum transport, Green’s functions and its various equations under non equilibrium condition are discussed and a detailed quantum mechanical modeling of the tunnelling current through MIM diodes is presented. An analytical expression for the tunnelling transmission probability is presented using the NEGF equations for any number of insulator layers between the two metals. Fig.1. Transport of electrons for single energy level device The paper is organized as follows: in Section II, the transport equations are discussed. In section III NEGF equations for MIM Diode is described in detail. The governing equations and numerical implementation of it is outlined. The material parameters used in the simulation are also summarized. GENERAL TRANSPORT EQUATION Let’s consider the model for a single device sandwiched between two metals 1and 2ION THE METAL-INSULATOR.ce of other electron in its vicinity.port and 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111, as shown in fig. 1.The device is assumed to be having a single energy level, Ãâ€Ã‚ . Our first aim is to find the number of electrons, N in the device. Let Ef be the Fermi level set by the work function of the two metal contacts under the equilibrium condition. On applying the bias voltage, Vb between metal 1 and 2, the Fermi- energies of two metals gets modified to  µ1 and  µ2 respectively and given as [19]: (1) This difference in Fermi-energy gives rise to a non-equilibrium condition and hence two different Fermi-functions for the two contacts. If device is in equilibrium with metal 1, then number of electrons will be f 1 but if it is in equilibrium with metal 2, number of electrons will be f 2, where (2) Let and be the rate of escape of electron from device into metal 1 and metal 2 respectively. Therefore the currents I1 and I2 crossing metal1 and 2 interfaces are given as[20]: And (3) For I1 = I2 = I, we get steady-state number of electrons N and current I as: (4a) (4b) Due to the applied bias voltage one of the reservoir keeps pumping the electron trying to increase the number while the other keeps emptying it trying to lower the number. Ultimately, there is a continuous flow of current, I (eq. 4b) in the external circuit. Assuming à °Ã‚ Ϡ¡1 > à °Ã‚ Å“â‚ ¬ > ÃŽ ¼2 and the temperature is low enough that f1 (ÃŽ µ) ≠¡ f0 (ÃŽ µ − ÃŽ ¼1) ≈ 1 and f2 (ÃŽ µ) ≠¡ f0 (ÃŽ µ − ÃŽ ¼2) ≈ 0, the Eq. 4b simplifies to [21]: If = (5) Eq.5 suggests that we can flow an unlimited current through this one level device if we increase, i.e. by coupling the device more and strongly to the metal contacts. But the maximum conductance of a one-level device is equal to [20], so there must be some reduction factor. This reduction is due to the broadening of the discrete level that occurs because of increased coupling of the device with the two metals. This broadened discrete level can be described by the distribution: With line-width of ÃŽ ³ and shift of level from ÃŽ µ to ÃŽ µ+à ¢Ã‹â€ †, where. This broadening phenomena modifies the Eqs. (4a, b) to include an integral over all energies weighted by the distribution D(E) [13]: (6a) (6b) Using algebraic manipulation Eqs. (6a, b) becomes: (7a) (7b) Where (8) (9) Till now we have discussed device with single energy level ÃŽ µ. But in practical situation (i.e. for real devices) there exist multiple energy levels. Any device, in general, can be represented by a Hamiltonian matrix, whose eigenvalues tells about the allowed energy levels. For example if we describe the device using an effective mass Hamiltonian H = then it can be represented with a (NxN) matrix by choosing a discrete lattice with N point and applying methods of finite-differences [13]. This corresponds to using a discretized real space basis. Similarly, we define self-energy matrices [∑ 1,2] which describe the broadening and shift of energy levels due to coupling with the two metals. The required NEGF equations now can be obtained from Eqs(7a, b) by replacing scalar quantities ÃŽ µ and ÃÆ' 1,2 with the corresponding matrices [H] and [∑ 1,2], and is given as: , (10) , (11) The number of electrons N, in the device is replaced with the density matrix, given by: {} (12) Current is still represented by Eq. (7b). The transmission can be given as the trace of the analogous matrix quantity: (13) TRANSMISSION EQUATION FOR MIM DIODE USING NEGF EQUATIONS The 1D time-independent single-particle Schrà ¶dinger equation is given by [13]: Where, is the reduced Plank constant, È(x) is the electron wave-function, m is the effective mass and U(x) is the potential energy. If it is assumed that the insulator layers are divided into M grid points having uniform spacing, a, then finite difference discretization on the 1D grid is applied to Schrà ¶dinger equation Eq. (1) at each node i as follows [14]: (2) Where, represents the interaction between the nearest neighbour grid points i and i+1, Ui ≠¡ U (xi), and mi is the electron effective mass between the nodes i and i + 1. The coupling of the potential barrier to the left and right metal electrodes is taken into consideration by rewriting Eq. (1) for i =1 and i = M with open boundary conditions expressed at Metal1/Insulator and Insulator/Metal2 interfaces. So, Schrà ¶dinger equation now takes the following form [13]: (3) Where, H is the M Ãâ€" M Hamiltonian matrix of the insulator potential, I is the M Ãâ€" M identity matrix, È is the wavefunction M Ãâ€" 1 vector and S is M Ãâ€" 1 vector. ∑L and ∑R are the M Ãâ€" M self-energies of the left and right contacts respectively. Fig. 1. Potential of a stack of N insulator materials under applied bias voltage, Vb. Each insulator layer is characterized by a barrier height (Uj), a thickness (d j), a dielectric constant ÃŽ µ j, and an effective mass (m j). Now, under a tri-diagonal form H can be rewritten as: ∑L and ∑R are given as: The solution of Eq. (1) can be given in the terms of retarded Green’s function as where is MÃâ€"M retarded Green’s function [13]: The rate of escape of electron to either left or right metal from a given state can be taken into consideration by defining two quantities, ΓL and ΓR [14]. Hence, the tunnelling probability can now be computed as [14]: COMPARISION OF NEGF MODEL WITH OTHER MODELS A model of MIIM diode was simulated using NEGF, AF-TMM and WKB Approximation for a comparative analysis of their transmission probability vs. electron transmission energy curve. The parameter spacing, a, for the NEGF calculation was assumed equal to the hundredth of the insulator layer thickness. This was found adequate for reasonable simulation time. The effective mass was assumed equal to the free mass of the electron throughout the MIM structure. Fig.3 below shows theof the simulated MIIM of Nb/Nb2O5 (2nm)-Ta2O5 (1nm)/Nb at 0.1V of bias voltage. A complete matching between AF-TMM and NEGF results is observed. Fig.3. Transmission probability T (Ex) versus the electron transmission energy calculated using AF-TMM, NEGF, and WKB at Vb = 0.1 V for Nb/Nb2O5/Ta2O5/ Nb MIIM diode. Fig.4. Energy band diagram of the MIIM diode used for simulation REFERENCES J. G. Simmons, â€Å"Electric tunnel effect between dissimilar electrodes separated by a thin insulating film,†J. Appl. Phys., vol. 34, no. 9, pp. 2581–2590, Mar. 1963. J. G. Simmons, â€Å"Generalized formula for the electric tunnel effect between similar electrodes separated by a thin insulating film,†J. Appl. Phys., vol. 34, no. 6, pp. 1793–1803, 1963. R. Stratton, â€Å"Volt-current characteristics for tunneling through insulating films,†J. Phys. Chem. Solids, vol. 23, no. 9, pp. 1177–1190, Sep. 1962. J. G. 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Sunday, January 19, 2020
Recent advances in medical technology
The two articles What is telecasters? And ‘Do we know too much? Illustrate what the evolution of medical technology is and how it improves people's life. Both articles provide medical studies to support the curative effects. Furthermore, although there are still some limitations or negative aspects toward the progressions, It Is believed that those will be solved with time. In the article What Is telecasters? ‘ the author elucidates how its operation differs from traditional surgery.It Is revealed that doctor an give a remote operation by using robotic arms connected to fiber-optic cables without distance and facilities restrictions. However, some people doubts If robots can be relied on; the author also states that It might not function well due to the network access and compatibility of computer. The second article alms to address the question of what happens If we can extract Information from our genes. By genetic tests, we can aware of the genetic disorder that we mig ht suffer from and prevent contracting certain diseases.Currently, large range of disorders can be detected by complex genetic tests such as newborn screening, diagnostic, carrier and predictive testing. By the progression of medical technology, we are able to lead a longer and healthier life, furthermore, tests can be used to blood relationship testing and applied to crack down on crime. However, some people worry about that it might result In some negative impact toward their living. As the remarkable development on therapy introduced in the essays, human beings benefit greatly from telecasters and genetic tests; though they are still some limitations and difficulties need to be coped with.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Princess Stories and Marriage: The Effect on Young Minds Essay
It is no secret that in modern day America more than half of marriages end in divorce, yet many still fantasize their fairytale weddings and happy endings knowing that the chances of staying together for the rest of their lives are slim. These early concepts of happy endings develop in the minds of young girls during the period of time when gender roles start to be enforced. They are not only introduced to parenting but in the media as well. In past princess movies and stories, men have always been the people in power. They are the kings and prince charming that are supposed to sweep every princess off their feet and provide them a comfy lifestyle in the castle with a happily ever after. The princesses, on the other hand, are always shy, quiet, demure, poised, and need some kind of saving. The resolution of these stories always ends in the prince marrying the princess or beautiful maiden, thus completing his conquest and receiving his â€Å"award.†Young girls, as they are more marketable towards these stories, have adopted these elements into their own romantic life giving them false expectations of real-life relationships. 1 in 4 women will be victims of severe violence by an intimate partner in their lifetimes. They are conditioned from a young age to want to have a perfect romance, but false expectations often lead them to be in relationships with the wrong people. Although these stories may seem harmless, they push an outdated agenda on to a society where most are trying to progress into an era where women are treated as equal individuals and as valued members in society, not just your average princess. In My Problem With Her Anger, by Eric Bartels, the husband and wife power dynamics in marriage is showcased in a different way than what is depicted in princess stories. Bartels starts off the piece. The wife, according to her husband, is condescending, never appreciates what he does, and fights with him constantly, which breaks the stereotypical traits of a princess and princely relationship. Charles Perrault’s Cinderella is one of the main princess fairy tales that will be showcased in my writing, as it includes many of the topics discussed, such as gender roles, power dynamics, which can be tied back to modern day domestic abuse. A question that may appear when researching a question like this may be, how exactly does the princess story influence children on certain topics. Today, we have tv, movies, books, and the internet. Children are getting more and more educated in the media as they are learning in school how to do so. They can easily access these stories through different outlets. Although I believe princess stories are harmless in intent. They carry old-fashioned values that children, mostly emulate during their play time. I too played princess as a child and have grown to know that’s not how life really is. In princess stories, The princess gets everything done for her, she has servants and she’s just there to wait around for the magical prince to come and make her life better. Many girls grow up thinking the same way until they’ve faced a hard reality, but if privileged enough are still able to think this way until the day they get married, and in marriage then realize itâ€℠¢s not what the princess stories had advertised. Women are told to â€Å"deal†with what their husband gives them in life. They’re supposed to take whatever comes at them, but still, manage to keep the image of a â€Å"good woman.†Someone who takes care of their husband, the children, someone who never seems sad, cooks, cleans, maintains a good body. These are unrealistic qualities that a woman should have to uphold. Princess stories further argue that. For example, we take Beauty and the Beast, a tale that is taken very lightly and is seen as a beautiful romance in the eyes of many, but in fact is in a way a promoter of abuse. The beast is manipulative and a horrible thing. It takes her father with no remorse. Belle deals with his temper and abusive and threatening behavior yet she still â€Å"falls in love†In real life, this would not work out. In this story, Belle believes she can change the monster from his abusive and threatening nature to someone prince-like and chivalrous, but in fact, you can’t really change someone that easily, but the movie says its possible. In real life, this would probably not cut it. Many girls go through their princess phase and wanting to have their prince, and it’s a little alarming to me how they already know what they want through just a story. To me, princess stories don’t promote diversity and keep up with the modern day which limits a child’s way of thought. Princess stories to this day have only been heterosexual relationships. We are changing as a society and love are possible in many different ways. If children aren’t taught to be more accepting of others, seeing only heterosexual relationships in media will make them close-minded and homophobic. I see this myself with my little sister. She’s never watched any gay princesses or princes, therefore the idea of that seems disgusting to her, even though I’ve never taught her to be that way.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Effects Of Racial Corruption In The Criminal Justice System
Racial Corruption in the Criminal Justice System It appears that the criminal justice system is racially biased. Instead of the criminal justice system giving all of the citizens of the United States of America the same civil treatment, it treats all individuals differently based upon the color of an individual’s skin. What does it mean to be racially biased? Being racially biased is known as to judge one by his or her physical appearance. Treating people of color unfairly is still common to this day. The criminal justice system is racially biased in its law enforcement, prisons, and court systems. To begin, when it comes to officers pulling over victims, they pull over more black and Hispanic Americans than they do Caucasians.†¦show more content†¦When it comes to holding drugs or weapons in a vehicle, law enforcement officers find more illegal items in white people’s vehicles. According to an article written by Jeff Guo, â€Å"Between 2009 and 2013, Chicago police stopped over 200,000 white drivers, but only searched 906, of which 237 had contraband. Of those searched, that’s a hit rate of 26 percent. In that same time period, they stopped over 300,000 black drivers, searched 6,593 of them, and found contraband in 1,232 cases. That’s a hit rate of 19 percent†(Guo). The statistics given above show that officers are more likely to check for illegal items in a minorities’ vehicle rather than a white person’s vehicle. Furthermore, the law enforcement here in the United States is extremely brutal to black and Hispanic Americans. There are law enforcement officers that go over the line when it comes to dealing with people of color. Officers tackle and beat black Americans down to the ground, but when it comes to a white American the police officers do not go so over board unless if needed. There are cases were both white Americans and black Americans talk back to officers, but for some reason officers seem to always show more cruelty to black Americans. According to â€Å"Interpersonal Relations and Group Processes†, â€Å"Black people may engage in more belligerent behavior, including â€Å"talking back†to police officers, andâ€â€in a vicious cycleâ€â€this belligerence may prompt more severe use of force by police†(Correll1006). AnShow MoreRelatedRacial Discrimination And The Criminal Justice System1725 Words  | 7 PagesRacial discrimination is defines as racism that implicates the credence in racial differences, which acts as a justification for non-equal treatment of members of that race. Also, this paper will be focusing on the race industry within the criminal justice system in all level law enforcement, courts and court system. 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